Live Webinar: June 2023
Using picture books to teach STEM in preschool
With Kym Simoncini
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Picture books may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of teaching STEM to preschool children. We know that reading picture books aloud helps children learn about the world and promote language development. But did you know you can use them as a hook to explore and teach STEM? Reading books with embedded STEM topics can help children feel confident that they can do STEM and want to do STEM.
You’ll learn:
- how to use a STEM lens to find the STEM learning embedded in picture books
- how to develop children’s language and STEM skills using picture books
- specific examples of picture books that are ideal for STEM learning
- how other teachers and educators have used picture books for STEM
Dr Kym Simoncini
Kym Simoncini is an Associate Professor at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT). Her research focuses on play, family learning and teacher professional development.
Kym has written several Conversation articles on ways to encourage STEM, spatial reasoning and block play. Kym developed the Early Childhood STEM Habits of Mind to facilitate a shared language for children, educators and parents.
Kym was part of the team that developed the Early Learning STEM Australia (ELSA) Program and co-wrote the four ELSA picture books.