Plan your day with our STEM resources

The ELSA Resource Pack is full of fun educational games and STEM books.

ELSA Resource Pack

Picture books

The ELSA picture books complement each of the four children’s apps, introducing and reinforcing STEM concepts to children.

The books are:

  • Pattern Sniffers (complements App 1: Patterns and Relationships)
  • Map Makers (complements App 2: Location and Arrangement)
  • The Treehouse (complements App 3: Representations)
  • The Puddle Puzzle (complements App4: Investigations)

Zoo board game

In the ELSA Zoo board game, children roll the die and choose different paths as they navigate their way around a map of a zoo. When they land on a square with a special symbol, they have to follow the instructions that tell them which location or animal to visit.

Positional language cards

The ELSA positional language cards are a great activity to teach children about the meaning and application of these words. These cards complement App 2: Location and Arrangement.

A card from the ELSA positional language game, illustrating the term under. A card from the ELSA positional language game, illustrating the term out of. A card from the ELSA positional language game, illustrating the term towards.
A card from the ELSA positional language game, illustrating the term centre. A card from the ELSA positional language game, illustrating the term above. A card from the ELSA positional language game, illustrating the term in front.

Australian bird game – guess who it is

In the ELSA bird game, children have to work out which bird card their opponent is holding. In a similar fashion to the ‘Guess Who’ game, players ask each other questions and rule out different birds as they gather information.

Decoding card game

The ELSA decoding card game features two sets of cards—symbol cards and picture cards—that children can use to play Snap, Fish or Memory. Before playing a game, educators can discuss why we use symbols and ask children where they have seen symbols before.

A card from the ELSA decoding card game with image of a person seeing a doctor on it. A card from the ELSA decoding card game with image of hospital cross on it. A card from the ELSA decoding card game with image people running to catch a bus. A card from the ELSA decoding card game with image of a bus stop on it.

Augmented reality (AR) cards

Children can play ‘hide and seek’ in app 2: Location and Arrangement with the ELSA augmented reality (AR) cards. These cards feature six Australian animals, including a kangaroo. Once they have found the card, they can use the tablet to scan the card and see the animated animal!

Kangaroo on an augmented reality card. Animated kangaroo from an AR card showing on an iPad screen.

ELSA character plush toys

For a limited time, our resource pack includes plush toys (‘Budsies’) of each of the ELSA characters that lead children through the apps: Amy, Elliot, Remy and Piper.

Children can use these toys to play off-app ELSA activities in the classroom.

Here they are with Playschool regular, Luke Carroll!